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Why to Choose Skolaro as Best School Management Software ERP for Process Simplification?

Skolaro is a leader in educational institute’s automation which helps to make simpler entire daily to daily, basic, complex operations in an easy, operative & smart way with user friendly interface and collaboration tools of Skolaro school management software ERP.

We are providing smart and integrated student information system with Learning Management System (LMS), report generation, examination, attendance, assessments, assignment, accounting, payroll, inventory, library and SMS modules in cloud with mobile app where boardroom to the classroom, administration’s  operations are running live.

If you are in educational services providing field then we are here to provide 100% comprehensive automated integrated approach to full convenience to school administration and staff. So it’s time to join us for creating new standards for your education organization with flexible and custom school management system which in itself integrates all modern technologies and techniques to make best advantage of available resources.

Online school management information system by Skolaro is designed and make technically strong for all different purposes for fulfilling customized requirements for all type of organizations with different styles of educations. Hence modify operations according to necessities so that admin can alter needs in the system anytime anywhere 24*7 with special and common features that one can choose from.

So Skolaro is a very simple, affordable and operative approach to run your educational institutes very efficiently.

Why choose us:

Multi Users
Skolaro facilitates distinct login for all roles and administrators such as cashier, librarian, examination controller and administrators so that they can run their function concurrently.

Cloud Exam Management
It provides best exam evaluation and student assessment system with proper entry of obtained carry marks from unit exam to final Exam.

Automatic Data Backup Provision
Cloud school management system inevitably takes backup of all important data and details along with backup of all accounting and financial transactions.

Accounting Management System
Accounting and financial module deals in providing making of different account heads, ledgers and vouchers and generates all vital financial reports.

Multi Dashboard Support
It’s an operative collaborated feature which deals in maintaining record of apprehensive department, parents and activities happening.

Online Fees Collection System
It is one of the important modules which provide a smart facility for recording of fees paid, due, fines, etc. along with accurate defaulter’s reports with notification to school, parents & students on their dashboards.

Transport Management System
It manages the transport system with proper GPS tracking facility with optimized routes for pick-up and drop point of students.

Skolaro is multi-featured and best school management software which supports all kind of supervising process as well as sustains the record of additional activities connected to students and for enhanced administration which is easily accessible and can be used by any individual having basic knowledge of using computers.


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